I want to talk about how there are soooo many choices that we as parents must make. Those choices run the gamut from simple to super complex. One choice you will have to make is will you or will you not try babywearing!
I’m going to give 5 reasons to baby wear and why I think all parents should consider it!
Reason for babywearing 1: For Your Kiddo
Babies love to be held close. They want to know that you’re physically there. They love the scent of their parents and being able to feel your warmth and heartbeat. Bonding is supported when you baby wear. This doesn’t go away as they move into their older stages either! Think about how many kids love to sit on their parents’ shoulders or be given a piggyback ride. It may start out as snuggle time, but eventually, it can evolve into their personal perch where they can see the world from a safe place—right next to you!

I’m not saying you’re going to wear your 16-year-old (but, hey! No judgment here if that works for you!) There are a lot of families who “baby” wear through the start of grade school, which leads me to another of my reasons to choose babywearing.
Reasons 2: For Increased Safety and Mobility
You become more mobile when you baby wear. Strollers can be totally awesome. Unless I’m going to the grocery where I’ll be pushing a grocery cart. I also hate using a stroller in a large crowd where people will be bumping into me. Strollers are also nearly impossible if you want to go on a hike with your kiddo. When you choose babywearing, it allows you the opportunity to go anywhere you want while safely carrying your child.
There are times where it’s great to just let children roam and run, but there are other times when you need to be able to keep an eye on them. Sometimes curious toddlers can make it very difficult to watch them and do anything else, leading me to Reason 3 on my list of reasons to baby wear.
Reasons 3: For You to be Hands-Free
Whether you have a snuggly baby or a mobile toddler, or maybe you have both, you can keep them happy and safe while you get things done when you baby wear! Need to do some laundry to clean your Lil Helper Cloth Diapers? How about drinking a glass of water? Perhaps, you need to do your grocery shopping? Unless it’s something that could be potentially dangerous like cooking over a hot stove, or walking on a slippery surface while having a baby tied to you, baby wearing allows you to do what you need to while taking care of your kiddo.

It is always important to keep the safety of you and your child in mind while you baby wear. All parents are superheroes, and not all superheroes wear capes, but I’ll be honest, this super Mama wears her baby just to make it through most of our days! One of the reasons to try babywearing is so that you can be handsfree and that makes you feel like a superhero sometimes because you can get so much done and take care of your little one easily.
Reason for babywearing 4: For Convenience
Strollers have their time and place, but they’re so bulky. If you forget to pack the stroller, then you’re stuck carrying your child in your arms. And let me tell you, my arms get tired quick! Wraps and carriers are easy to fit into a diaper bag with all of your other baby gear like change mats and wet bags. If you have more than one carrier you can keep one in the car for whenever you may need it. Keep another one in the house for daily use. They don’t take up a ton of space so it’s easier to store them.
There have been lots of times that I think my little one is going to sit nicely in a grocery cart or wherever, but when she gets fussy, I just pop her into a wrap and wear her.
Reason 5: For Super Cute Pictures
I love a cute picture of someone wearing their kids. In fact, I’ve taken pictures of me and my daughter in wraps at every stage. It may seem silly in my list of reasons to baby wear, but it's seriously one of my favorites! There are lots of different types of carriers and designs. There are super minimalist ones, all the way to bright and beautiful designs.
I don’t want to recommend a specific type of carrier for you to use while you are babywearing. What works for one person may not work for another. Instead, I would recommend finding a local baby wearing group. There you can ask questions and get some hands-on support while trying out the different types of carriers.

But, no matter which style you choose, take the picture!!! Share the pictures with us! We will see you super parent, wearing a modern-day cape with your precious kiddo right there!
What are your reasons for babywearing? Which wrap turned out to be your favorite and why? Let us know in the comments below!

Blog Content & Delight Customer Services Manager
From registered social worker and early childhood educator to Lil Helper guest blogger to our blog content and Delight Customer Services Manager—and that’s all on top of being a proud mama to three. Caitlin fell in love with Lil Helper after using cloth diapers for her first child and quickly combined her longtime love of writing with her new passion for parenting and cloth diapering. She enjoys writing about marriage, mental health, family, postpartum reality, and early childhood development. Besides writing and connecting Lil Helper and customers together for meaningful solutions, Caitlin loves thrifting, gardening, and momming.
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