Inflatable Floaties Only
Our Swim Diapers are designed to contain poop of all kinds to ensure that you, your baby, and your unicorn-shaped floaty are the only ones bobbing around in the pool.

Cute Prints 👌, Stains👎
The soft, inner mesh lining of your swim diaper is charcoal coloured—so no stains! Even though your baby had blueberries for breakfast.

Saves Your Money & Your Sanity
Not only does this cloth swim diaper give you a better fit than disposable options, it can be washed and reused. Saving the environment, your money, and your beach day.

Nervous about taking the plunge (see what I did there?) on reusable swim diapers?
Asking yourself, “Why would I buy a diaper that won’t even hold in pee?”
Have you seen those soggy disposable swim diapers? They are unsanitary and pointless as they absorb water and make your baby waddle around like a penguin. Does your swimwear hold on to moisture? Obviously not. Our Swim Diapers allow moisture to pass and only holds back solids. If you are scared that your child is going to pee in the pool, then I have news for you - everybody pees in the pool (present company excluded). A swim diaper’s only job is to hold back poop and our diaper does that exceedingly well!!

Because there is one thing that is certain in parenting...
And it’s that “poop happens.”
“What are the odds that my baby will poop while we are swimming?”, you may say. Turns out that, much like the ‘Hunger Games,’ when it comes to poop, the odds are never in your favour. Trust us. And when you are in the pool, your “poop happens” moment can easily become EVERYONE’S “poop happens” moment. But not with our cloth swim diapers.

Your babies are growing…
Our Swim Diaper grows with them…
Our swim diaper has adjustable snap settings on the waist and rise, that will allow it to fit your little one from 10-45 lbs. You can even share our reusable swim diapers between siblings even if they are different ages.
Still have questions? Michael Phelps was going to come and talk about how much he endorses the best swim diapers but we figured we’d just get you some quick answers so you can hit the beach sooner.
Mohammed (Lil Helper Chief Everything Officer) has spent a lot of time researching reusable swim diapers and working to find the top materials to make the best swim diapers. The outer layer is a nylon polyester blend and the inner layer is a dark mesh lining. The ingenious dark lining will hide any unfortunate stains. These are designed to allow liquids to pass through, but contain solids.
This is a reusable swim diaper. If you take the plunge (see what I did there?) on reusable swim diapers, and your baby has a poop while wearing this, we always recommend to change them and wash it before using it again. If you swim with no poops, it really depends on your comfort level, just like your swimsuit. You may want to consider whether you are swimming in a pool or lake, public or private, and if you were able to immediately hang it to dry or if you had to store it in a wetbag for a time or not.
You know your Lil Helper SwimSaver diapers have been designed for a snug fit that ensures that you, your baby, and your unicorn shaped floaty are the only ones bobbing around in the pool. While the diaper is stellar at keeping poop contained, water and pee are able to pass through. If a Swim Diaper holds pee, that means it will also soak up the water your child is swimming in - so Lil Helper designed our cloth swim diapers with your child’s comfort in mind and made our swim diapers non absorbent and breathable, allowing water (and pee) to pass through - no saggy water butts here!